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BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: Labor control in construction is one of the many options of procurement used for the process of project delivery. According to the records, this method of procurement is the oldest one there is, and it has been in use in Nigeria ever since the colonial era. Researchers defined it as a system in which a developer plans and organises the project delivery process, carries out the design, the planning and procurement of resources, and the construction of a project using client employed supervisory staff and labour, and it is very important in most of the countries (Arindam, 2022). Because the client's team rather than the contractor's staff is responsible for carrying out the project delivery process and activities, this kind of system is considered to be an in-house system. Labor control is a positive innovation in the construction industry since it does not lead to increased staff strength or overhead expenses in the Nigerian building sector.

The phrase "procurement system" refers to the process of executing and delivering a project. It also specifies the obligations of the parties involved and their contractual responsibility to carry out the various actions involved in delivering to the owners. According to Avolio (2021), the process of procurement encompasses a number of different combinations of the design and construction phase in order to establish the form of organisation necessary to carry out the project. According to Maizon (2003), the selection of a procurement technique for a specific project can be a challenging process for customers due to the numerous aspects that control a building project. He went on to say that because every customer has unique wants and expectations, and because construction jobs can vary so greatly and in so many ways, there is no one system of procurement that can be made to work for every kind of job (Braun, 2022).

Construction projects are highly important, particularly as can be seen in developed nations where projects are given a high priority. This is because construction projects are one of the factors that helps determine the degree of growth in any country. The process progresses through the stages of conception, design, and the actual building of the thing. The conceptual process is often kicked off by a prospective buyer who communicates his or her wants and objectives to an industry expert in the form of a brief. At the stage of design, the relevant specialists transform the core concept into three, an expression of a spatial shape to suit the requirements of the owner in a manner that is both option and economical (Arindam, 2022). During the building stage, the conceptualization and design are translated into a physically realisable form in order to fulfil the brief.


Method provides the framework for implementation and development of project. Time and serious attention are devoted towards the establishment of a procurement system that will be suitable for a particular project. A method used in Building for a particular project is expected to achieve the objective of the project in terms of cost, time and quality but this has not been the case. Time and cost overrun have been a major problem confronting the Nigerian construction industry and all attempts that have been made so far have not been able to yield the expected results problems have been established from various research work that have been carried out in the past as result of the use of labour control in execution of construction projects includes high staff strength time and cost overrun, poor quality delivery etc.

Labour control and other method adopted in Nigerian Building Construction Industry have raises serious concern to the project stakeholders and the construction industry as a whole. The purpose of the study is to investigate labour control in Building Industry in Lagos state and it environs.


The aim of this project to investigate the control of labour in the construction industry and how it affects the project delivery process.

The objective of the study include the following:

1) To find out factors that result into the labour control in Building industry.

2) To minimize waste in Nigerian Building Industry through effective management control.

3) To make recommendation based on the findings in the project on how labour can be properly managed and utilized on site.

4) Call for employing skilled works for supervision and general site planning and control.


The benefit of this study is as follows:

a.It will help the labour and management of an organization to know the areas they are performing well and also loopholes they need to attend to:

b.It will help management to know what it entails to improve performance in an organization.

c.This study will help management to know the benefit of relating well  with its workers.

d.This study will motivate other researchers to go into further study on the issue.

The information contained in this study will be of immense value to students, management and the general public.


This research study will find answers to the following research questions at the end of the investigation.

1. Does a mutual labour management relation have any effect on workers performance?

2. What is the effect of motivation on workers performance?

3. Does good communication enhance smooth labour control

4. What is the importance of employee participation in management decision making?

5. What are the effects of strike on organizational performance?


The following hypotheses have been formulated:

1.H0: Mutual labour control  does not have any effect on workers performance.

H1: Mutual labour control  have an effect on workers performance.

2.H0: There is no need for workers participation in decision making.

H1: There is need for workers participation in decision making.


This study attempts to examine the effects of labour control  on workers performance in an organization.

The data for the study will be obtained from China Civil Engineering Construction Company (CCECC ).


An obvious limitation to this study was financial constraints, this study proved  to be very demanding on the researcher because of the need to source for materials from CCECC .

These materials needed where gotten from the mangers and public relations officer of CCECC , and it was not easy meeting them at the office, talk less of  them having enough time to get you the needed materials, this project was also time consuming


1. Labour: The people who are available to perform work.  The collection of people who work or perform the work of an organization.

2. Management: Is a group of people responsible for running an organization or directing the organization’s human activities for specific ends, they take care of the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling of human activities.

3. Performance: The way a job or task is done by an individual, a group    or an organization.

4. Productivity: Is the measure of the relationship between the quantity of results produced and the quantity of resources required for production, production is the measure of the work efficiency of an individual, work unit or an entire organization.
